Liz Fortener

Physical Therapy, Functional Movement, Balanced Body CPT

Liz started off her movement career as a Physical Therapist in 2005. She fell in love with movement and rehabilitation after undergoing a knee surgery in high school. She found that going through rehab post surgery was difficult, but rewarding, as it lead her back to the soccer field and basketball court. She wanted to help others do that same thing, leading them back to whatever movement activity brought them joy.

She started her Pilates training in 2018 as a way to add another tool to her rehab tool belt. But after the first course, she realized how amazing this movement practice could be. And after participating in Pilates consistently for a few months, she eliminated her own chronic back pain, which further solidified her love for this movement practice. She completed her comprehensive training under Melissa Kakavas through Balanced Body and decided she wanted to do this full time. 13 years of Physical Therapy experience has given her a discerning eye for movement assessment and how to correct movement patterns to help reduce or relieve pain.

She believes that finding balance in the body and creating stability from the center first, is imperative for most, if not all, injury recovery as well as injury prevention. She loves teaching others about their bodies, and watching them take cues and corrections that lead to feelings of pain relief and improvement in their quality of life.


Michelle Corey


Mikayla Shyanne